
Hensler et al. (2021) A novel standardized inflammatory cell-modulated 3D tumor tissue model for analysis of tumor-stroma interaction and drug discovery. American Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 9(4): 110-122 (Link)

Using the 3-D Life Hydrogel system a reproducible tumor-stroma model including macrophages, neutrophils and fibroblasts within a malignant tumor microenvironment was developed. In contrast to collagen-based matrices, where the matrix strongly contracts during a long culture period, the 3-D Life Hydrogel maintained its size. Application: 3D tumor-stroma model for drug discovery. Cells used: primary human fibroblasts; U937 lymphoblast cell line (differentiated to macrophages), HL-60 promyelocytic cell line (differentiated to neutrophils), HaCaT-ras A-5RT3 (tumor keratinocytes), HaCaT-ras A-5IL-6 (tumor keratinocytes), MCF-7 (mamma carcinoma cells), H838 (lung carcinoma cells). Methods used: hydrogel culture in 24 well transwell insert plates. Fibroblasts and immune cells were cultured in the gel, tumor epithelial cells on top of the gel. Cultures with keratinocytes were cultivated at the air-liquid-interface.

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